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Cancer is quickly becoming a growing epidemic among man’s four-legged friends. According to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, one in every three dogs suffers from some sort of cancer. While cats are currently less affected by the disease, they can also become more vulnerable with age.

Unlike humans, animals are unable to effectively voice feelings of discomfort. Therefore, they rely largely on the attentiveness of their owner to help them overcome illnesses.

Learning your cat or dog has cancer is, in one word, a “nightmare” for any pet owner. However, knowing what you’re up against can put you at an advantage. In this post we’ll discuss 10 signs that could help you determine if your dog has cancer. But first let us take a look at what causes cancer in cats and dogs.

What Causes Cancer?

“Where did I go wrong?” It certainly makes sense that you would ask yourself this question after learning that your dog has cancer. Unfortunately, this is not such a simple question to address. Certain breeds of animals lend more evidence to the notion of a genetic cause for the disease. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause in every animal. There are also a number of other factors contributing to the presence of cancer in companion animals including:

  • Age
  • Environmental factors; sunlight; toxins from the ground, water, and air (such as harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke).
  • Processed manufactured pet foods with limited cancer fighting nutrients
  • Neutering of the animal
  • Vaccinations
  • Poor immune system and inflammatory conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
  • E.g. feline leukemia virus in cats

As with human beings, there are still a lot of unanswered questions about cancer in cats and dogs. Treatment will become much easier as we learn more about what causes cancer in pets. For now, monitoring your companion closely is one of the best ways to avert the negative effects of cancer.

Here Are 10 signs Your Dog May Have Cancer:

  1. Abnormal Lumps, Swellings or Bumps

This is not to say that you should start overreacting at the sight of any lump on your animal companion. Not every bump, lump, or swelling is cancerous. However, if it’s growing or not resolving itself, then it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian. “Better safe than sorry.” The vet will be able to conduct a biopsy to determine if the swelling is cancerous.

A swollen or bloated stomach can also be a sign of cancer.
Be sure he takes a great Immune Booster like Juverin daily!

  1. Cuts and Sores That Won’t Heal

Cuts and sores will normally heal within 7-10 days depending on the extent of the injury. However, if the dog or cat has a skin disease, infection, or cancer, then this could delay or prevent healing. In these instances it’s best to visit a vet; especially if there is no improvement in the wound after applying an ointment or administering oral antibiotics.

  1. Weight Loss

A sudden change in appetite or weight loss can always almost be interpreted negatively. Weight loss remains the number one symptom of cancer as it relates to a gastrointestinal tumor. Many dogs with gastrointestinal tumors often stop eating all together and thus experience extreme weight loss.

It’s important that you contact your vet immediately if your pet is experiencing rapid weight loss. And help him strengthen his immune system with Juverin Immune Food Booster

  1. Changes In Appetite

A change in appetite is often accompanied by weight loss, which was mentioned above. Oral tumors can make it difficult for pets to swallow, and reduce their urge to eat. If you notice changes in your pet’s appetite then seek medical care for them immediately.

  1. Problems Breathing and Coughing

Similar to humans, abnormal breathing and or coughing can be linked to lung or heart disease. Metastasizing cancer cells in these organs is oftentimes accompanied by these symptoms.

  1. Seizures

In many cases seizures in cats and or dogs are associated with brain tumors, especially for older animals. Some signs of seizures include jerking of the legs, unusual chewing, sudden bursts of activity, and foaming from the mouth. Contact your vet if you notice any of these signs.

  1. Depression and Lethargy

Having a playful cat or dog is one of the many gifts of being a pet owner. However, illnesses such as cancer in the liver can affect the mood of your animal companion. He/she could become less playful, depressed, lethargic, and spend most of their time sleeping. These symptoms can be linked to any illness that causes discomfort and so it’s always best to contact your vet.

  1. Foul Mouth Odor

Foul odors from any part of your pet should cause concern. In many cases, plaque might be the cause of bad breath. However, oral tumors can often manifest as sores or lumps and they are often accompanied by bleeding which can cause foul mouth odors. Therefore, it’s always important to visit a vet if your pet has prolonged extreme bad breath.

  1. Diarrhea and Frequent Vomiting

Any unusual discharge, whether it’s vomiting, bleeding, diarrhea, or pus, should encourage you to visit your vet. Dogs in particular will occasionally vomit or have diarrhea. If this happens over a prolonged period then they should get medical attention. The best thing you can do is to add Juverin immune food booster to his food to help keep his immune system strong and give him the best chance of survival. has also stated that blood in urine or stool can also be caused by cancerous cells in dogs.

Discharge from the eyes and nose is also a sign of facial tumors and should not be treated lightly.

  1. Stiffness and Difficulty Moving

Your dog or cat could become less active due to stiffness in the legs. If they seem to be unable to move around as much or they’re in pain while walking, then this could be an indicator of bone cancer. If they show symptoms then it’s important that you take them to a vet. In the meantime, add Regentol to his diet to help strengthen bones and joints

Muscle diseases and arthritis are common causes for joint stiffness in animals; however, cancer is also a common culprit.

Be The Best Friend You Can Be

Many of the signs listed above can also be an indicator of other serious diseases. The important thing is to be more interactive with your pet, and be on the lookout for irregular behaviors. Take care of him and give him the best nutrition possible by sprinkling Juverin Immune Food Booster on his food everyday!

If you notice any of the signs mentioned earlier then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Even nonspecific behaviors such as the unwillingness to exercise or a sudden loss of energy are simple indicators that something may be wrong. Whatever the case may be, an early diagnosis almost always influences the outcome for the better. In the case of cancer, early treatment is your best bet at winning against the disease.

In addition to looking for the aforementioned signs, you should also practice feeding your cat or dog nutritious foods and give them plenty of exercise, reducing the chances of health complications.

Sources: National Canine Cancer Foundation, PetMD,
