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The number one reason that Dogs need to see the VET is because of Ear Infections…so they are extremely prevalent!

Discover how natural remedies may be the best alternative to stop ear infections in your canine companion. Plus learn why these NATURAL remedies are safer than drugs and steroid solutions.

If you are anything like me, you probably will call the VET if you see your dog under pain and discomfort. And rightfully so. But before you run and spend hundreds of dollars on a Vet Visit and get prescribed antibiotics and steroids, try some of these natural alternatives.

It is time pet owners started realizing that many drugs commonly referred to as “safe” for treating ear infections – even by veterinarians – could have long term side effects that affect the health of your dog.

I get nervous just thinking about the agony that some dogs go through, when it is completely unnecessary.

And so in today’s article I’m bringing you 10 natural solutions in hope that you’ll make the best choice for your pet. But first you need to recognize if your dog has an ear infection first.

Here are 7 ways to tell if your dog’s ear is infected…

1. Frequent whining and scratching of the ear and the area around it.
2. Bleeding or yellowish discharge from the ear
3. Swelling and redness of the ear
4. Intense odor from the ear
5. Shaking or tilting of the head
6. Loss of hair around the ear
7. Scabs and crust forming around the ear

Pretty obvious stuff, eh?

If your dog is displaying these symptoms then look into his ear canal to see if there is any dirt and brown discharge.

One thing I’ve learned is that both prevention and successful treatment weigh heavily on actually effectively fixing the problem.

So here are your 10 Natural Solutions
For Stopping Ear Infections:

These natural remedies may be sitting in your Food cabinet right now! Spend just a few minutes and you will have the answers you need to save your dog a lot of distress!

1. Warm Compress

Warm compresses help to soothe your dog’s outer ear infection. Plus fight against irritation, redness and inflammation and feeling itchy, Simply soak a washcloth in warm water, squeeze out the excess water and press the damp rag against your dog’s outer ear for immediate relief.Use it several times a day as soon as you see initial symptoms.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has so many beneficial uses for humans and dogs so it is no surprise that it can help with your dog’s ear infections. Try putting a tablespoon in his water daily. If he will not drink his water then dilute to vinegar to 4 parts water and 1 part vinegar and put it directly into his mouth with a spoon or syringe. Do 4 tablespoons daily. You can also dab a cotton ball in the diluted apple cider vinegar and gently apply the apple cider vinegar to the affected area. Do NOT insert the cotton ball into the ear canal.

3. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E Oil is a great preventative treatment for dog ear infections. Use pure vitamin E oil soaked into a cotton ball and apply two drops to your dog’s outer ear.

4. Boric Acid

Boric acid is a crystalline, white powder made from boron that dissolves easily in water. It’s an antibacterial and antiviral cure-all of sorts.

While it is not an overly strong acid, it kills bacteria and helps to prevent infections from progressing.

Infections caused by scratching of the ear canal, or fungi, can also be treated with boric acid.

Many home improvement stores sell boric acid but you can also purchase it online. Use about 1 tbsp. of boric acid to 4 oz. of water to create a solution, then using an eye dropper insert several drops of the solution into your pet’s ear.

Try to do so twice daily until the symptoms clear up.

NOTE: Many of you may know that Boric acid as a form of poison …yet it’s an excellent antiseptic.

5. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the bodies of animals commonly referred to as hyaluronan.

Although this is a chemical that occurs naturally in animal bodies, there are several other sources such as soybeans, root vegetables and leafy greens.

Hyaluronic acid can stop bacterial infections and also promotes healing of sores that the infection may have caused.

It works by increasing antimicrobial activity to kill and reduce the toxicity of the end product that is produced.

However, if your dog suffers from repeated ear infections, then you may need something a little stronger.

Announcing a Breakthrough New Product Called CLEAR EAR That Eliminates Ear Infections within 24 Hours!

Most ear infections are the result of yeast or fungus colonies. These colonies grow out of control especially if your dog’s immune system is compromised.

Then, allergies, hormone imbalances and hypothyroidism may develop and the ear infection keeps reappearing.

Veterinarians have been trying to find the right solution for years that would not only eliminate the ear infection but also stop it from coming back.

Several years of research were needed to find the right combination of ingredients that would not only help to eliminate ear infections fast but also do it in a safe and soothing way.

Clear Ear is a direct result of that research.

Clear Ear is absorbed all the way down into the ear canal to fight off the infection. At the core of Clear Ear are 8 Natural Cleansing disinfectants that are anti-fungal and anti-bacterial packed with Hyper-oxygenated oils that soothe and relieve itchiness and pain:

1. Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel comes from the leaves and the bark of the hazel shrub in North America.

Witch Hazel is often referred to as Nature’s Neosporin, and rightfully so. Because of its astringent properties, it has become one of the most popular natural remedies today.

I can’t begin to tell you how often I use Witch Hazel at home. I use it on pimples, burns, blackheads, and of course to treat my dog’s ear infections.

It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is great for healing cuts on the skin.

Simply inserting a few drops of Clear Ear into your dog’s ear to clear up any excess fluid, pus or any debris in the ear canal due to an infection.

I always like to use a cotton swab to the clean up the area around the ear after it’s drained.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is one of the most versatile oils in the Clear Ear Formula. Derived from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, tea tree has natural anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

That’s right… It not only kills bacteria that cause ear infection, it also helps to reduce any itching, pain or inflammation in the ear.
It helps to break down wax, excess fluid buildup and impurities that may have led to the infection.

3. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is an anti-fungal, antiviral and antibiotic liquid. It’s mainly produced by suspending submicroscopic silver particles in a liquid.

It’s one of the most effective but simplest natural remedies that I’m familiar with. If I had to pick my favorite natural remedy, it would be Colloidal Silver.

While prescription antibiotic drugs are generally fight against specific types of bacteria, they won’t work against viral and fungal infections.

Colloidal silver works against a wide range of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Nine times out of ten it works regardless of what led to the infection in the first place.

Please Note:Some prescription antibiotics barely work against bacteria and have no effect against viral and fungal pathogens. Colloidal silver is superior in this effect.

How does it work?

The silver particles adhere to the cell wall and kill harmful microorganisms by hindering enzyme production.

In fact, if the silver particles are small enough, they can even cling to the DNA of viruses to prevent it from spreading.

4. Rosemary Extract

Rosemary extract works very similar to colloidal silver yet has the added benefit of strong antioxidant activity that helps to control inflammation and prevent cell damage.
Like colloidal silver, it has powerful antibacterial and antiviral compounds.

This natural remedy is more likely to stop your dog’s ear infection compared to antibiotics that are only designed to relieve the symptoms.

Rosemary works by slowing the growth of pathogenic bacteria, cleansing the ear and soothing it to reduce pain.

Plus, it kills harmful bacteria without affecting micro flora (good bacteria) as opposed to antibiotics that attack both bad and good bacteria.

5. Vegetable Glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is entirely different from the controversial kind that’s been affecting so many canines and under investigation by the FDA.

Vegetable glycerin is an odorless, clear liquid derived from plant oil, primarily soy, coconut and palm oil. Glycerin occurs naturally in these oils and is largely safe. If you’re someone who reads your labels, then you’ll know that it’s one of the main ingredients used in commercial ear drops.

Glycerin has great moisturizing and lubricating properties. It’s great for softening stubborn waxy residue and soothing the skin to reduce redness and inflammation.

100% pure vegetable glycerin can be purchased at stores such as Walmart. Although you can use it as is, I find that it’s more effective in a solution like Clear Ear. This helps to make the liquid thinner so it can go further down into the ear to soften any residue present.

6. Polysorbate 20

Polysorbate 20 is a commonly used in skincare and cosmetic products, plus sometimes pet shampoos.
It’s derived from Lauric Acid… a fatty acid primarily found in coconut oil known for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Although I wouldn’t recommend that you rely solely on Polysorbate 20 to stop your dog’s ear infection, it’s a great soothing agent, excellent for reducing irritation that may force your dog to scratch excessively.

That is the reason it was added to the Clear Ear formula.

7. Organic Mullein Extract

According to Mary L. Wulff and Gregory L. Tilford in their book Herbs for Pets, mullein as great “anti-parasitic and antibacterial” and thus serves as a good fighter against ear mites and factors that may cause ear infection.

Organic mullein also has anti-inflammatory properties and is great for soothing any irritation around the ear caused by rashes.

Used alone or combined with garlic, organic mullein extract can help to reduce any discomfort your pet experiences due to an ear infection.

It works best when combined with the other ingredients in Clear Ear. Simply massage it gently into my dog’s ear canal…works like a charm.

8. Oxygenated Corn Oil

Corn oil in itself is a great remedy for ear infections. For instance, it’s one of the most effective home remedies against ear mites.

It works by drowning ear mites and then promotes healing of the skin to reduce any discomfort.

When oxygenated, it’s even more effective at ridding the body 0f bacteria, viruses and any toxins that may have cause the ear infection.

As you may know, some bacteria are unable to thrive in environment with high levels of oxygen. And once again, unlike antibiotics the oxygen in the oil selectively kills harmful anaerobic infectious bacteria without harming beneficial bacteria.

I hope you enjoyed this list of natural remedies that you can use to stop ear infection in dogs. Check out Clear Ear which includes most of these ingredients and is our number ONE recommendation.

One final note!

As a pet owner, it’s important to be aware of what treatment your dog receives and how he or she reacts to the remedies. You need to be doubly careful if your pet is being subscribed oral antibiotics or steroids that may have adverse effects on pet’s immune systems and can lead to a number of health issues like…

1. Increase need to urinate
2. Ulcers and other gastrointestinal issues
3. Diabetes
4. Blood clot
5. Secondary infection
6. Increase thirst and hunger
7. Tiredness

Pretty terrifying huh?

So, the next time your dog gets an ear infection (god forbid) try the safer all natural method first. In most cases natural remedies will help to stop the infection without any side effects.

Also, it’s always great to avoid those overly pricey veterinarian fees.
