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  • 04-12-2018

    Many natural foods like celery, blueberries and papaya can be added to your dog’s diet to provide relief from the pain. The challenge to get them to eat them.


  • 02-21-2018

    By Robert Riess, Health Researcher

    It’s simple, give your dog the right food and he or she will live a longer, happier life. Give your dog the wrong food and

  • 12-30-2017

    1.Take a deep breath and vow to be patient.Remember, this is an adjustment for you and the dog. The Texas Animal Guardians write that a new dog’s cortisol (a stress hormone) level will be higher than normal for 7 to 10 days, and during that period, it is normal for him or

  • 12-25-2017

    (#4 is great against skin diseases, plus parasitic or fungal infections) 1. Get the correct diagnosis from your VET You can only determine how to treat your pet after you have received an accurate diagnosis from your vet. You’ll want to ensure that you take your dog on regular checkups

  • 09-01-2017

    Veterinarians have now discovered the most common reasons for why your dog is constantly throwing up, or throwing up for no reason.

    If your dog is experiencing constant throw ups or even occasional ones, then you need to take it seriously…it may be the result of a medical issue that

  • 09-04-2017

    There are so many different reasons why your dog could be throwing up. Finding out what the symptoms are and what your dog did or ate before throwing up is the smartest thing that you can do. Some symptoms can be treated at home, but others do need to be
