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Clear Ears is the only product which made a difference in our labrador’s ear problem. I love the fact that it is organic plus safe and very effective. My dog was constantly itching and his ears were red and puffy. Now I use Clear Ear at the first sign that he...


Clear Ears is the only product which made a difference in our labrador’s ear problem. I love the fact that it is organic plus safe and very effective. My dog was constantly itching and his ears were red and puffy. Now I use Clear Ear at the first sign that he...


Clear Ears is the only product which made a difference in our labrador’s ear problem. I love the fact that it is organic plus safe and very effective. My dog was constantly itching and his ears were red and puffy. Now I use Clear Ear at the first sign that he...
Bonnie Schweitzer

Bonnie Schweitzer

I tried Clear Ear as my last hope. My 11-year-old Daisy was suffering from Chronic Ear infections for months. We used to have regular vet visits and sometimes they would diagnose a Yeast infection and the next time a bacterial infection. I almost lost my patience...


Amazing!! Great product, We rescued a German Shepherd who had a bad ear infection. He really struggled and we tried all kinds of disinfectants that would relieve the problem temporarily, but it would always come back again. Then we read in a blog about the miracle of...


I did my research before purchasing Clear Ear. Not only did I check with my Vet but I also went online to see what the popular pet websites were saying about it. I even had a pet nutritionist do research on all the ingredients to be sure it would not hurt my dog....