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  • 12-01-2017

    Let me paint the typical picture for you. You and your child constantly see cute pictures and videos of puppies that pop up in your Facebook or Instagram news-feed. Puppies showering people with kisses, puppies in cute costumes, and even singing along (well, barking along) to the piano – these

  • 12-05-2017

    Adopting a rescue dog is like expanding your family! By watching out for some of these 6 problems, you will be able to minimize your risk of a possible disaster! The GOOD NEWS is that one incredibly important daily practice helps alleviate a rescue dog’s immediate problems and gives them

  • 12-08-2017

    Save money and ensure that your dog is getting the best with these easy, healthy and tasty homemade treats. They are so good, you may be tempted to make a version for yourself! Simply click the treat name to get the whole recipe. 1. Peanut Butter Treats These look and

  • 12-11-2017

    There are hundreds of dog food brands on the market. As a pet owner, you want to be sure that you are giving your dog the best possible food to keep him or her healthy. The problem we face is that most brands contain harmful ingredients that may cause sickness

  • 12-15-2017

    As a dog owner you’re probably no stranger to the joyous feeling of watching an overactive pup transform into a wise old dog overnight. However, as your dog grows older it’s only natural that some of that joy will become fear. You may notice that they spend less time playfully

  • 12-18-2017

    Is your dog losing its hair or biting and licking himself more than usual? It could be allergies, or it could be a Thyroid Hormone Deficiency! What Does the Thyroid Do? The thyroid gland is essential in both humans and dogs, as it produces several hormones that are required for
