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  • 11-14-2017

    I get asked all the time if I can give my dog any of my human medicines. Well, here’s what you can do if your pup or kitty seems sick and you can’t get them to their vet right away… Aspirin Aspirin reduces inflammation and pain for humans. Given to

  • 11-17-2017

    Let’s face it! It makes you feel good to treat your pet to human food every once in awhile, right? Those puppy-dog eyes are hard to resist and it usually does not take long for your dog to convince you and you give in to their Let’s face it! It

  • 11-21-2017

    As a pet owner, you probably won’t give it a second thought whenever you see your dog scratching or licking its skin. You might even attribute it as normal behavior. However, if you see your dog scratching incessantly, you should definitely investigate the problem, especially if the scratching is accompanied

  • 11-24-2017

    We have all heard about super-foods and how they are good for us. You probably wonder what classifies as a “super food” for dogs? These are certain dog approved foods that have a minimum amount of calories with a maximum amount of nutrients. These foods that can be shared between

  • 11-27-2017

    Digestive problems like throwing up, constipation and diarrhea are one of the most common health problems your dog will experience. While these problems are often the result of dietary changes, they can also be indicators of more serious disorders. Fortunately, the good news is that most of these issues can

  • 11-30-2017

    A few years ago it wasn’t unusual for someone who takes pride in their dog’s oral health to be labeled as a “crazy dog owner.” Yet we know that nothing can ruin play time with your canine companion like a blast of bad breath. Unfortunately, bad breath is one of
